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Article Illustrations

These first 3 illustrations were assignments from senior project classes at Pratt Institute. We were asked to find online news articles and create illustrations for them.

The Negative

This was an article about how negative feelings were argued to be better then positive feelings. Positive feelings were thought to be more harmful because they give people a false sense of security.


Elevated Stakes

Want to know which state has the highest suicide rate in the country? It's Utah because its elevated geography causes its small towns to become secluded. Since this article is about elevation, I raised the state above all the others to emphasize that fact.



Ever want to know why it rains in the Congo? Well that answer are elephants. Elephants eat seeds from tons of plants and disperse them through out the rain forest. The healthy population of trees attracts precipitation, causing it to rain.


Food Illustrations

An additional senior class project that focused on personifying food or using it in the background.

Tomato Soup


Rocky Road Ice Cream


Banana Split

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